
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorandum Condemning the Israeli Raid



Tuesday 1st June 2010

We, a coalition of civil society representing the voice of the Malaysian people is utterly shocked and outraged at the blatant disregard of human lives by Israel in the recent murderous raid on the aid flotilla bound for Gaza.

The Lifeline4Gaza (LL4G) flotilla has come under attack by the Israeli armed forces in the early morning hours of 31st Mei. The Israeli aggressors boarded the capital ship Mavi Marmara and opened fire on volunteers on the deck, leaving at least 16 people dead and another 50 seriously injured. Close to 600 volunteers, whose participation is solely humanitarian in nature were on board the ship when the tragedy unfolded.

Such barbaric act was committed by Israel despite of the flotilla's observance of all maritime regulations and in full compliance with Resolution 1860 adopted by the UN Security Council (2009), which includes:
  1. An appeal to the international community to provide humanitarian aid to Gaza including food, fuel and medical assistance.
  2. Facilitate the ease of passage and unimpeded deliverance of aid.
  3. Call for support of these efforts to alleviate the dire humanitarian and economic situation in Gaza.
The volunteer corps included in their ranks parliamentarians, academics, journalists, scholars, an infant less than a year old and a senior citizen over 80 years old. They were completely unarmed which reflects their sole intention of delivering aid to the besieged people of Gaza.

The fact that this raid took place on unarmed civilians and in international waters is all the more grievous and criminal. There is not a slightest doubt that Israel has violated international laws and her ghastly acts deserve a worldwide condemnation in the strongest possible term.

We therefore call on the US Government to state her position on the murderous aggression of Israel on a peaceful flotilla whose entire objective is to deliver desperately needed aid to Gaza. These include:
  1. Condemnation in the strongest possible term the aggression by Israel on the Freedom Flotilla.
  2. Holding the Israeli government totally responsible for the lives and well being of all volunteers on board the Freedom Flotilla.
  3. Demanding the immediate release of all the volunteers and urgent medical care be given to the injured.
  4. Demanding that all the aid destined for Gaza be released with immediate effect.
  5. Assuring the safety of all volunteers on board the Freedom Flotilla in their effort to champion the Palestinian cause towards freedom, justice and self determination.
HALUAN (click)
Muslim Care Malaysia Society
Aqsa Syarif (click)
Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia - JIM (click)
Palestine Centre of Excellence - PACE (click)
Yayasan Amal - AMAL (click)
Pertubuhan Mawaddah Malaysia (click)
Viva Palestina Malaysia
Dewan Pemuda Masjid
Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia - ABIM (click)
Global Peace Malaysia

Notes: The memo with a few edits by MK.

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